There is a tremendous difference between spoken and written language. Humans had been communicating with each other for thousands of years before someone, somewhere (most likely Mesopotamia) decided to create the first logographic form of communication. From this very beginning of ancient “writing,” the shortcomings...
“On a long enough timeline, the survival rate for everyone drops to zero.” - Chuck Palahniuk Not a day goes by I don’t read some sort of labor force doomsday article with a headline warning of technology, AI, and machines we can’t even begin to understand taking...
READ MOREWhen you are working with court reporting firms and have ordered a transcript after a deposition, it is obviously important to you and your clients that the testimony is captured completely and accurately. Without a motion or a stipulation among counsel, you only get one...
READ MOREBy now we are all probably aware of Senate Joint Resolution 34 (H.Res.230) in which the House voted to repeal the broadband privacy regulations introduced in 2016 that prohibited Internet Service Providers (ISPs) from selling private browser activity to the highest bidder, or to anyone...
READ MOREIt is 2017, and we live in a streaming-dominated world. We stream our entertainment and our news. We often stream out of boredom while waiting in lines, sitting in the airport or on a plane, or just about any other place where we find ourselves...
READ MOREThere will come a point in the career of almost every litigator where he or she will inevitably need to depose or examine a non-English speaking person in deposition or trial. As a court reporter with 15 years of experience, having attended countless depositions over...
READ MOREAs the 2017 calendar flipped from February to March this morning and meteorological spring in Northeast Ohio begins, Cleveland Reporting Partners, LLC is so proud to celebrate our official one-year anniversary! It seems like only yesterday we were signing a lease on our office space...
READ MORETo start off 2017 with a bang, Cleveland Reporting Partners proudly introduces CRP Direct, our online client office and repository. After researching existing repository platforms available in our industry, we quickly realized that there could be something better, something simpler, with a modern user interface...
READ MOREWhen we talk about digitally signed documents (or transcripts), we are talking about much more than just an electronic image of a signature; and a lot of times an electronic image of a signature that is pasted onto a document is mistakenly taken for a...
READ MOREWhen you purchase trial or deposition transcripts from your court reporter, you are making an investment in your case and spending more of your clients’ money to assist you in preparing and presenting your best arguments. Getting the right transcript format (and getting the most...